Quadra has a lot of alert modules and designs. These alerts can fire with click, can be fixed on page, dissmisable and usable with cookie.

There are many templates for each type of alert. And you can easily modify these templates. All text types, colors and headings can be used in these alerts. Also can be used with text, background and hover animations. Also included all the Bootstrap 4+ templates to Quadra.

You do not need any javascript knowledge to use these alerts. You can work them with copy/paste. And you can modify expire times with “data-expire” attributes for cookie alerts.

Click the trigger buttons to see alerts. They are can be fixed on anywhere on the screen.

Left Top
Well done! You are using a beautiful theme!
Right Top
Well done! You are using a beautiful theme!
Bottom Left
Well done! You are using a beautiful theme!
Bottom Right
Well done! You are using a beautiful theme!

Content style - Click the trigger buttons to see alerts. They are can be fixed on anywhere on the screen.

You can choose a simpler look for short alerts, and you can place them anywhere on your website in a understandable way.

You can easily edit the typography of the alert. No css or javascript coding is required. You can do anything with Quadra helper classes. You can also link any Google font and use it easily.

You can easily use alerts in box-shaped. The length of the text does not matter. You can use them as fixed and cookie. As with others, you have endless choices in typography and colors.

You can easily use image or SVG designs in these boxes. They will offer a great look on every device. And you can easily edit the color of SVG designs.

You can also use all bootstrap 4 alert shortcodes. They will work directly.

Please tell us if you want to see more alert designs in Quadra. We really care about it.
website logo template
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