Due to the constant updating of maps and price policy changes, we have made updates to the maps for Quadra users. Currently, there are 2 types of mapping available in Quadra. You can easily use it with iframe (on page or modal) and hotspots on image.

There are examples of using it with iframes on this page. This is a fast and convenient method. However, on some Quadra demos, there is use on image.You can see this example on Heracles and on Nova. And you can create your map images on apps like Mapstyle or Snazzy Maps

Here is an example for iframe with full width. You can edit resolutions with attributtes on iframe.

You can use these iframes on columns. They can be used in any side with any resolution.

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80+ beautiful websites and variations. These demos have variations with different sliders, heros, navigations and colors. They are useful alternatives for your favorite website demo. All demos and variations have their own files.

Google Maps Button
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website logo template
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