Quadra comes with a light gallery, a premium plugin. This plugin that works very fast and stable has very useful and wonderful features.

You can create slide show on image galleries. You can use the zoom in and out features (Works perfectly on mobile devices). You can use the sharing feature on social networks. You can add Youtube, Vimeo and local videos (Automatically detects thumbnails for Youtube and Vimeo videos). You can easily edit the easing effects and the entire design. You can add websites and Google Maps in pop up. You can use the downloadable feature for pictures. So you can organize everything with this completely flexible lightbox plugin.

You can easily create a single image, image gallery, any embedded video (just add the video link), Youtube playlist, Google Map, Website. It can also be used on Portfolio pages. However, there is no need for Quadra portfolio pages as it uses Cube Portfolio, which is also a premium portfolio system. Cube Portfolio Lightbox is fully compatible with systems such as filtering, ajax projects.

Big thanks to Sachin for great Light Gallery plugin. You can visit the Light Gallery plugin website from here.

Here are examples of single images on the pop up. Just add the "lightbox" class. No other settings are required.

Just add the "lightbox_gallery" class to the parent tag containing the gallery. The pictures in that tag will automatically become a gallery. You can create the whole gallery with one class.

You can easily add videos in pop ups. Can beYoutube video, Youtube playlist, Vimeo or HTML5 video. Just add the video links. It will automatically detect thumbnails for Vimeo and Youtube videos.

Adding a website and google maps is extremely easy. Just enter the website address, and add the data-iframe="true" attribute. It will work great. Just add the iframe address for Google maps.

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