You can use gradient colors, solid colors and background images for titles and all articles. To do this, all you have to do is add the ".text-background" class.

You can give your own gradient colors to titles and articles. You can apply them to any type of font you want, or even icons. Automatically, the background you set for the text will be the mask for the text. And it will offer a great look.

You can also use pictures on titles and articles. For these, simply enter the data-bg="url(your-image-path)" (- using with lazy load) or data-background="your-image-path" attributes. Yes, you can use Lazy Load for text mask pictures.

Here, a few gradient colors selected for Quadra are used for titles. You can easily edit colors and backgrounds.

Quadra is a huge library to create a great website. With tons of templates and designs, you can have everything you want.

Cras a pellentesque metus. Maecenas sollicitudin placerat ante eu faucibus. Duis nunc erat, luctus vitae purus sed, elementum elementum erat. Nunc at velit magna. In pulvinar at enim quis rhoncus.

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Quadra is a huge library to create a great website. With tons of templates and designs, you can have everything you want.

Cras a pellentesque metus. Maecenas sollicitudin placerat ante eu faucibus. Duis nunc erat, luctus vitae purus sed, elementum elementum erat. Nunc at velit magna. In pulvinar at enim quis rhoncus.

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Quadra is a huge library to create a great website. With tons of templates and designs, you can have everything you want.

Cras a pellentesque metus. Maecenas sollicitudin placerat ante eu faucibus. Duis nunc erat, luctus vitae purus sed, elementum elementum erat. Nunc at velit magna. In pulvinar at enim quis rhoncus.

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Quadra is a huge library to create a great website. With tons of templates and designs, you can have everything you want.

Cras a pellentesque metus. Maecenas sollicitudin placerat ante eu faucibus. Duis nunc erat, luctus vitae purus sed, elementum elementum erat. Nunc at velit magna. In pulvinar at enim quis rhoncus.

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You can use all these features on icons with the same ease. Below is an example picture for the icon background. And this text background images are used with Lazy Load.

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